Mission & Vision

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The mission of Youth Welfare Foundation is to help poor and underprivileged families in getting education, health and food. Our NGO is also empowering people and enhancing their own strength for earning their livelihood. We help people in standing on their own feet and support their families by winning their own bread. We are also focusing on green tree plantation by planting more and more trees every day, an effort for a "clean and green planet" for a better future for the coming generation. We also believe in giving the girl child equal opportunities to excel in their respective domains. We will try all possible legal, social and personal means in achievement towards our mission.


The vision of Youth Welfare Foundation is putting continuous efforts for betterment of mankind. Root cause of most of the problems is poverty. We are working tirelessly to impart our role to cope up with poverty and achieving the nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

Our another vision on priority list is "clean and green environment." To achieve this, we are continuously planting more and more trees and increasing awareness towards plantation activities in the country with the mutual support from our volunteers and members. We are also working to create awareness about the gender equality and ensure that the girl child also gets equal social and economic opportunity. Our vision is to ensure social justice in the long run. Apart from these, our vision is also to make our contributions towards making underprivileged people healthy and economically independent by making them capable to avail various health and employment schemes run by government.